International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 24 Num. 1 - March 2024


Terapia Cognitivo Conductual presencial y remota para adultos con pánico en Servicios de Emergencias: tres estudios de caso [Face-to-face and remote Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for adults with panic in Emergency Services: study of three cases]

Volume 24 Num. 1 - March 2024 - Pages 53-76


Monroy Robles, Dulce María , Guerra Anlén, Andrea , Colin Mendiola, Karla Paola , Landa Ramírez, Edgar


Most patients with panic attacks or panic disorder who seek emergency department care go unnoticed and do not receive appropriate treatment. Although first-line psychological treatments exist for these patients, they may be insensitive and inaccessible to their characteristics. The aim of this study was to describe three different brief protocols based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that were adapted for face-to-face or videoconferencing application for patients with panic attacks or panic disorder seeking care in emergency department. Three cases of adult patients, two diagnosed with panic disorder and one with panic attacks, are presented to show the implementation and outcomes of the protocols on diagnostic severity, anxiety sensitivity, quality of life, health services utilization, and patient satisfaction with the protocols. As well as the use of a panic screening diagram designed for the initial evaluation of these patients. After one to seven sessions, a decrease in panic disorder severity or frequency of panic attacks, and anxiety sensitivity was observed. Quality of life improved, patients stopped using emergency department and showed satisfaction with the intervention they received. Brief interventions based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, both face-to-face and remote, can be implemented in emergency department to overcome some barriers to mental health access and fit the diverse care possibilities of panic patients.

How to cite this paper
Monroy-Robles D, Guerra-Anlén A, Colin-Mendiola K & Landa-Ramírez E (2024). Terapia Cognitivo Conductual presencial y remota para adultos con pánico en Servicios de Emergencias: tres estudios de caso. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 24, 1, 53-76

Key words:

cognitive behavioral therapy, panic disorder, panic attack, videoconferencing, emergency service

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